Tuesday 2 August 2011


I want to save the railway of our land (the UK). It was a mistake to privatise it and specially to break it up into argumentative parts with track and rolling stock in different hands. We should get it back to together again in public hands with prices right down so that people will use it and fewer will use the roads. We should complete electrification and run it on renewably generated power. the picture is irrelevant - I wanted a video of a train but couldn't get it to load.

Save the NHS from becoming commercial

I want to save the NHS in the UK from becoming a commercial enterprise. The market model doesn't suit caring for each other. Particularly pressing is the matter of organising and paying for the care of the elderly. This should be organised by and paid for entirely by the NHS funded by the public purse. The Service was founded to spread the cost of healthcare across the population as a whole. "We are all in it together and if you get into difficulties we'll look after you because you matter to us all." That should be the NHS philosophy. It was at its founding and it should stay that way.

Banks must not create money.

I want o stop banks beign allowed to create our money supply as a debt to them which happens when they lend people money. The Bank of England should be our nation's only authorised creator of new money which it should create as an asset, not a debt, and it should give it to the government to spend on things that help us develop a productive export economy.