Tuesday 10 November 2009

Would you consider signing a petition I created on the Downing Street e-petition website? The wording is

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to make the Bank of England the sole creator of money in our economy and to stop the commercial banks from creating money."

and you can find it at


and my explanatory note to go with it reads:

At present we allow commercial banks the huge privilege of creating money out of nothing as their own property for their own benefit. You and I can’t do it. Why let the banks do it? They do it by issuing loans of money which didn't exist until the borrower signs a promise to pay it back. Then the bank sells that agreement to a dealer for real money up front. We don't need to depend on banks for our nation's money supply. Let’s make the Bank of England, acting as a public servant, the sole creator of new money in our land. Then our money would be an asset of the nation as a whole not the property of commercial banks. This practice caused the credit crunch. Banks lent to people who couldn't repay because it wasn’t costing them much in the first place. It's why bankers get bonuses. The problem isn't bonuses. It’s the activity that the bonuses encourage ie getting people to borrow. Don't nationalise the banks. Let them compete but don’t let them create money out of nothing as they do now.

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