Friday 30 October 2009

Friday 30th Oct

I had a good day today in town with my planet on top of a pole. I bump into old friends from Birmingham Children's Hospital and elsewhere. Met about ten old friend today I would say including two who remembered my 1986 fast on a cage for 46 days for the imprisoned Christian Russian poetess Irina Ratushinskaya who was released some months lated when Reagan and Gorbachev met in Iceland. (I am never quite sure how to spell Reykjavik!) I was pleased with myself today because I was on site outside the exit of Snow Hill Station Birmingham at 7.30am and had distributed 1600 leaflets by 3.10 pm. I have 50,000 in all to give out so it will take some time! i am hoping that people will start taking some for friends. I met all sorts of interesting people including one possible parliamentary candidate for the Common Good party. The applied psychology of handing out leaflets in interesting. I like the place outside the SH station as people can see me for about 50 yards before getting to me. When there's a whoosh of people lots go by without really engaging. There are too many to catch the eye of all. Nevertheless I reckon that lots of people see me and eventually they might tumble to what I am saying if they see it on the web or on TV or in the press.

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