Thursday 29 October 2009

In the street with my globe of the world

Man with globe of world.

Since 16th October I have been out and about in the street in the centre of Birmingham with a globe on my head .... or more exactly it was a 60cm diameter polycotton globe over a framework of nattily assembled 3mm diam fibreglass rods atop a tough bamboo mast attached to a plywood sheet on my back, strapped to me as you do with a rucsac. And below it I had a placard with the wording "The World needs us" and some flashing bicycle lights attached thereto!

Why??? My purpose was to attract attention (favourably I had hoped) to my distribution of leaflets detailing my political vision.

The leaflet itself can be seen at the website of the Common Good party of which I am the founder and leader. It is a small party.... well actually three of us! BUT we have an important political message - that we are needed in the world. Britain is needed in this needy world and getting stuck into the huge job of making the world a better place will cheer us up as a nation and give us a sense of purpose and unity that is otherwise sadly lacking at present.

I am a fairly shy sort of person even if it might not appear so from the above. Rejection hurts and of course lots of people walk on by. Comments include:

I'm OK thanks. ( I try to avoid replying that not everyone is OK and that's why we should get stuck in).

Some say, not today thanks.

I say: Sir/Madam, may I give you a leaflet? Some reply, Yes of course. Some say, No. Some: No you may not. etc.

Generally there's enough take up to stop me feeling too miserable. 1700 on the first day, 1000 on some others. 500 on a poor day or when I knock off with discouragement. Some teenagers tore up my leaflet and scattered it on the gorund. I stooped down and picked up the bits in front of them. It's hard work, but it beats doing nothing which seems to me a worse option.

There is certainly a lot to do in the world and at home to make a just and humane society. I am completely sold on the idea that we should be immersed in the job of making the world a better place and in doing so that we'll become a happier, more purposeful more motivated, more untied people. That way we can earn our living in the world.

I am looking for soul-mates in the sense of people who will see that there is a point worth making here.

This is politics from street level up. Have a look at the website and let me know if you'd like to help get things organised, or stand for parliament in the general election or help someone else to do so or take up some issue like saving the NHS from commercialism and making sure it covers the needs of old people who are the ones who need it most or renationalising the trains and getting them running at modest fares and with it all as a single organisation which can take investment of public funds without the benefits leaking out to private commercial interests. There's lots more on the Common Good party website at

Hope to hear from you.



Sean Miller said...

I still remember chatting to you in Oxford Street, London, one morning in the autumn of 2005 and finding it a most uplifting experience! Forget the idiots who tear up leaflets, people who treat you like a beggar and whatever else. You only have to make a difference to the life of one person a day for it to have been worth it. Keep up the good work, Dick. You are appreciated!

Sean Miller said...

Incidentally, I offered then to revamp your campaign website if you wanted for free - I think your son had done it or something.

The offer still stands.